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A Human-Centered AI Revolution?

As we stand on the brink of another promised “revolution,” the question “Will AI, data and technology save us?” carries profound implications for international development. This question goes beyond the capability of new technologies to address the world’s most pressing challenges, requiring us to look back at lessons from previous industrial revolutions. Will this time be different? Instead of widening the already vast gulf between the rich and poor, amplifying disinformation, or facilitating new forms of gender-based violence, can we harness the AI revolution to work for everyone? This new era presents no easy answers, but it remains a cause for both optimism and caution.

The cause for optimism is great. AI’s capacity to process and analyze vast amounts of data offers unprecedented opportunities to improve decision-making and resource allocation in international development. AI can help predict disease outbreaks and natural disasters in real-time, enabling quicker and more effective responses. In agriculture, AI can optimize crop yields, improve soil management, and reduce waste through precision farming techniques. Machine learning algorithms can analyze climate patterns and predict weather changes, such as floods, which could prove instrumental in achieving food security and reducing inequalities in regions vulnerable to climate change, such as West Africa. Throughout 2023 and 2024, we are leveraging support from WFP’s Innovation Accelerator, the Belmont Forum, and the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation to implement OPAL for Humanitarian Action in Senegal to achieve precisely this. 

However, implementing AI for international development comes with significant challenges, including issues of data privacy, algorithmic bias (e.g., gender and racial), and the digital divide. The concentration of AI research and development in a few wealthy nations also poses the risk of exacerbating global inequalities. Some of these challenges are discussed in our book chapter in the 2023 UNESCO-MILA “Missing Links in AI Governance” titled “AI for the SDGs—And Beyond? Towards a Human AI Culture for Development and Democracy.” In it, we posit that the main barriers to effective AI use are not technological or technical, but political and cultural. Therefore, ethical considerations must be at the forefront of AI deployment, ensuring transparency, accountability, and the protection of human rights to ensure equitable and inclusive progress.

In conclusion, AI holds the promise of being a powerful tool in the arsenal of international development, capable of driving significant progress towards the SDGs. However, whether AI will “save us” depends on our collective will to harness its potential responsibly and equitably. It requires a commitment to collaboration, ethical standards, and an unwavering focus on inclusivity, or what we call “human-centered AI.” By fostering awareness, skills, and participatory systems, this approach can promote human development and democracy on an unprecedented scale. At DPA, we continue to support efforts to meet these standards, thereby working towards a future where AI’s full potential is unlocked for the benefit of the many, rather than the few.

Emmanuel Letouzé, PhD

Director and Co-Founder





Throughout 2023, our team worked on



Focused on



With support from


Donors and Partners



We developed



(reports, articles, policy briefs, handbooks, journalistic investigations, etc.)

With contributions from



Published in 4 languages:

English, French, Portuguese and Spanish



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We collaborated with the governments of Senegal and Ghana and  Smart Africa to co-develop their first National Data Strategies, focusing on sustainable socio-economic transformation for all.



We co-organized


Workshops and Events

Which were attended by



These took place online, and in places like

Ghana, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Thailand and Turkey



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DPA’s OPAL for Humanitarian Action (OPAL4HA) was selected to join the Humanitarian Innovation Accelerator Programme (HIAP) and present at the World Food Program (WFP) Humanitarian Innovation Accelerator Pitch Event, being one of 16 organizations chosen out of 379 applications from 85 countries.

DPA team members were speakers at


Conferences and Events


UN World Data Forum, Code for All Summit, Paris 21 Spring Meeting, MozFest, and more...

These took place online and around the world in





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Partnering with UNDP Country Offices in Sierra Leone and Liberia, we identified development challenges and transformative opportunities in the borderland region intersecting peace-building and humanitarian action.


Team Members

worked at DPA in 2023, 44% were men, and 56% were women

Altogether, this talented team speaks



They reside in



Collaborating with UNFPA, UNICEF, UNDP Sierra Leone, and the Rainbo Initiative, we contributed to a movement addressing child marriage and female genital mutilation, leading to a historic 2024 national bill to ban child marriage.

Thematic Programs

Projects 2024

Just Digital Transformations

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Amidst natural and political crises in Haiti, we worked with UNICEF Haiti to study Port-au-Prince’s spatial distribution and dynamics of violence involving children and youth, in an effort to lead positive change in the country.


Open Algorithms Project

Links to relevant pages and blog post




Million USD in Funding



Expenses (bar chart)

Income by Program (pie chart)


Our Work

Making a financial contribution to our organization has power: every dollar, euro, peso, etc. directly funds our work and enables us to pursue original, groundbreaking projects in topics and regions underserved by traditional funding.

Your donation is tax-deductible in the USA and France and can be directed to support the Program of your choice. Institutional donations from philanthropic foundations, donor organizations, or private companies are also welcome.

Credits & Social Media

About DPA
2023 in Review
Thematic Programs
Projects 2024