Workshop “Web data collection and analysis: Web scraping and API’s interaction” in Rio de Janeiro

IBGE offices Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Our upcoming workshop on “Web data collection and analysis: Web scraping and API’s interaction” will take place on November 25-27th at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) offices in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The three-day training is tailored particularly towards the IBGE staff with the goal of strengthening internal capacities (knowledge and skills) to leverage Big data collection ... Read More

Workshop “Data for Better Lives: Enablers and Safeguards”

The International Policy Workshop, hosted by the World Bank and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), "Data for Better Lives: Enablers and Safeguards" is going to be held in preparation for the World Development Report 2021 on the 9th and 10th of June 2020. Our director, Emmanuel Letouzé, will participate.   This event is not public.