Gender Data Series: An Interview with Our Own Data Scientists

Alina Sotolongo, Nuria Oliver, Roaa Al Feel, Zinnya del Villar May 18 2021 Blog

GENDER DATA SERIES This piece introduces our new monthly “Gender Data Series”, which will comprise interviews, videos, and opinion articles with experts from around the globe to bring to light issues at the intersection of gender and data, such as health, migration, livelihoods and, of course, gender-based violence (GBV). Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the vulnerability of women … Read More

Violence Against Women in Latin America: The Multiple Facets of a Pervasive Issue

Anna Spinardi, Ivette Yáñez Soria, Nora Löhr, Sara Ortiz, Zinnya del Villar Dec 05 2020 Blog

DISCUSSION PIECE Photo: Analise Benevides. Edition: Paola Caile. November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a date that serves as a global reminder of what it is now refered to as the “shadow pandemic” (UN Women, 2020). But how to tackle a problem which is widely veiled, avoided by the spotlights, and even normalized … Read More

Using Data to Shed Light on the Shadow Pandemic of Domestic Violence in Mexico

Ivette Yáñez Soria, Marie-Helen Cymorek, Valentin Kruspel, Zinnya del Villar Oct 27 2020 Blog

DISCUSSION PIECE Violence against women and girls (VaWG) is a worldwide phenomenon that occurs in various forms and spaces, unfortunately including where one should feel safest: at home with one’s partner or family. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as gender inequality and domestic violence have worsened, it is becoming increasingly clear how much we are still in the … Read More