

Population 2022 (Millions)


HDI Score
2021 (Max. 1)


SDG Score
(Max. 100)


Gender Inequality
Index Score
(Max. 1)


Internet Inclusivity
Index 2022
(100 countries)

Sources: 1. World Bank (2022), 2, UNDP (2021), 3. Sustainable Development Report (2023), 4. UNDP (2021), 5. Economist Impact (2022)


Situated in a mountainous region of North Africa, Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with a history dating back to Ancient Egypt. In more recent times, the country was a protectorate of France and Spain, until gaining independence in 1956. Since then, one of its most well-known conflicts is over control of Western Sahara (which continues to this day). While Morocco has experienced significant social and economic progress, challenges still remain in the form of high illiteracy rates (one quarter of the population) and wealth disparity, as well as threats from disenfranchised youth and religious extremism.


This project, supported by UNDP Morocco and the Moroccan Ministry of Economy and Finance, aimed to improve official statistical methodologies by using Big Data, in order to improve the timeliness and reliability of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, this project contributed to strengthening the Moroccan digital ecosystem by improving the design, implementation, and monitoring of fair public policies, and informing better investment decisions towards achieving g the SDGs. Our organization conducted a benchmark study and developed three pilot publications to monitor priority indicators for sustainable development in Morocco: mental health (target 3.4) using Google Trends data; water stress (indicator 6.4.2) using earth observation; and ICT skills (indicator 4.4.1) using data collected through an online survey in Facebook.

In partnership with the Agence française de développement (AFD)  and the Economic Research Forum (ERF), DPA produced a research paper investigating the potential associations between the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on gendered mental health inequalities in the MENA region. The study adopted a mixed-methods approach, including a thorough literature review and quantitative data analysis using the Oaxaca-Blinder (OB) decomposition model. The results of this study were used to produce a policy paper with targeted recommendations to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on women’s mental health and improve their social and economic well-being.

 The main objectives of this feasibility study were to evaluate the capacity and skills of the AI Movement in Morocco to fulfill the intended role and objectives and to align with UNESCO’s principles and requirements to become a Category 2 Center. This report presented the evaluation results based on the nine criteria outlined in Document 40 C/79, following visits to the center’s facilities and interviews with representatives from the center, University Mohammed VI Polytechnique, and UNESCO. The first section, “Strategy and Programs,” assessed the alignment of the center’s strategies and programs with those of UNESCO and their contribution to global development, including the achievement of the SDGs. Section 2, “Management and Governance,” presented the evaluation results of the governance framework, operational functioning of the center, human resources, and available infrastructure. The third section, “Sustainability,” provided an overview of the current financial and operational sustainability status and future projections.