Improving Decision-Making through Data-Enabled Learning

What is WIND-MEAL?


Evidence-based and agile decision-making is essential to the success of any policy, programme, or project, especially in times of turmoil and uncertainty. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems are meant to appraise the progress and impacts of specific interventions. However, traditional M&E systems mostly assess activities and outputs, often falling short of rigorously measuring outcomes and impacts. Subsequently, accountability standards are only partly met and learning opportunities are often missed.

Our Services

The WIND-MEAL service portfolio includes a series of activities that can be combined in a modular manner, depending on the requirements and needs of the client. The MEAL system can be created from scratch or adapted to an existing system, integrating different sources of data and meeting different accountability and learning objectives.

Fostering a culture of data, evaluation and learning


Identifying strengths and weaknesses of existing M&E systems

Data Roadmap

Constructing robust and reliable data life cycles 

Insight Creation

Transforming data analysis into a strong data storytelling 

Potential Application Domains

A WIND-MEAL solution can be adapted to many different settings, including:
Digital 4 Development
Women’s Economic
Entrepreneurship and the Development of the Private Sector

Our Partnership

Since 2019, ADE and DPA have established strong ties in the evaluation of programmes and policies in the international development sector for a variety of clients across a wide range of geographical areas. ADE and DPA have complementary expertise that brings a true comparative advantage to the MEAL ecosystem.