Intermediate Evaluation of the implementation of the EU Gender Action Plan III (2021-2027)

The EU Gender Action Plan III (EU GAP III) is the European Union’s framework for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in its external action for the period 2021-2025. As this period comes to a close, DPA, in collaboration with ADE, is leading the evaluation of the approach and results reached in terms of gender mainstreaming and women and girls’ empowerment in the third EU Gender Action Plan (GAP). To achieve this, DPA is creating an evaluation framework based on research, document reviews, and interviews, in addition to two field missions to gather firsthand insights. Additionally, DPA will collaborate with the evaluation team from the European Union and other stakeholders to ensure alignment in findings.

With the ultimate objective of advising the European Commission on improved approaches to achieving universal gender mainstreaming and elevating gender equality to benefit women and girls around the world, this work will form part of the next GAP framework.