Segundo Informe Nacional Voluntario de Guinea Ecuatorial 2024

Jul 11 2024

El Segundo Informe Nacional Voluntario de Guinea Ecuatorial 2024 recoge el impacto de los hallazgos e iniciativas desarrolladas para la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en la vida de las personas. Este ejercicio multiactor, llevado a cabo bajo la cobertura de la Comisión Nacional de Coordinación de los ODS, responde al compromiso del país con la Agenda … Read More

Stratégie Nationale des Données du Sénégal – Résumé

Dec 06 2023

En 2023, DPA a fourni un soutien technique à l’élaboration de la première stratégie nationale de données du Sénégal en collaboration avec le ministère de la Communication, des Télécommunications et de l’Economie Numérique du Sénégal, Smart Africa et la GIZ pour le compte du ministère fédéral de la Coopération économique et développement (BMZ). La vision de la Stratégie Nationale des … Read More

Community-Based Social Protection Mechanisms in Africa’s Borderlands – Liberia and Sierra Leone Case Study

Dec 05 2023

The report on “Community-based social protection mechanisms in Africa’s borderlands – Liberia and Sierra Leone case study” is the outcome of case studies undertaken in Liberia and Sierra Leone that are part of a larger sub-Saharan Africa regional study that includes Ghana, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe. This study focuses on the borderland regions in Liberia and Sierra Leone. These regions face … Read More

Movilidad para llegar más lejos: ¿cómo se mueven las mujeres en Lima y CDMX?

Nov 28 2022

El presente estudio analiza los patrones de movilidad de las mujeres de Lima Metropolitana y de la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México, dos de las metrópolis más importantes de Latinoamérica debido a su papel en el crecimiento económico de la región. Cada vez más mujeres latinoamericanas salen de casa y ejercen su derecho a la movilidad para llegar a … Read More

Informe Nacional Voluntario (INV) Guinea Ecuatorial 2022

Jul 22 2022

Guinea Ecuatorial adoptó la Agenda 2030 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) con el objetivo de erradicar la pobreza, proteger el planeta y así facilitar que todas las personas vivan en paz y prosperidad, por un lado, y, por otro lado, para movilizar los medios y recursos necesarios para su implementación mediante alianzas y planes inclusivos. Con base a … Read More

Capturing the Socioeconomic and Cultural Drivers of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Sierra Leone

Jul 01 2022

This report aims to identify the root causes and consequences of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Sierra Leone and provide evidence that will form the basis for targeted policy recommendations to respond to and prevent this phenomenon. The study adopted a mixed methods convergent parallel design, combining qualitative and quantitative methods to identify and analyse the trends and patterns … Read More

Mental Health and Gender Inequality in the MENA Region: An Analysis of Shock Related Factors within the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Apr 05 2022

This paper investigates the potential associations between factors that affected households during the pandemic (such as food insecurity) and the gendered mental health inequalities in the MENA region. To analyze these potential associations, the paper used data from the World Health Organization (five-question module to measure mental health and well-being) and the ERF COVID-MENA Monitor Survey panel dataset. The results … Read More

Assessing the Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture, Food Security, Livelihood and Food Systems in Liberia

Apr 18 2022

This study carried out by Data-Pop Alliance with guidance from the Food and Agriculture Organization in Liberia and with support from the European Union (EU), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Liberia, provides evidence on the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on agriculture, food security, livelihoods, and food systems in Liberia. By combining the insights emerging from the … Read More

Estudio Regional en Big Data para el Desarrollo Sostenible en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Dec 24 2021

Es innegable que el mundo vive actualmente en una explosión de datos. Con el uso expandido de teléfonos celulares, computadoras, y otras tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), la velocidad y frecuencia con la que datos son producidos desde hace un par de décadas han incrementado exponencialmente. La información derivada de estos nuevos procesos generadores de datos es lo … Read More

World Bank Crisis Risk Finance Analytics Strategic Review, Dissemination, and Technical Design on Big Data and Technology for Financial Resilience

Nov 01 2021

This project was a collaboration between the Global Risk Financing Facility, the Disaster Risk Financing & Insurance Program of the World Bank, the European Space Agency and Data-Pop Alliance. The following publications stem from the collaboration. Crisis Risk Finance Analytics Report The report represents a selection of projects from the Crisis Risk Finance Analytics program (CRFA), as part of the … Read More

Reporting and Registering Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls in São Paulo and Bogotá: A Data-Driven Model (English, Spanish)

Nov 19 2021

Most Gender-Based Violence (GBV) goes underreported. Women who decide not to report incidents of domestic violence, or are unable to do so (via calls, legal complaints, or seeking institutional help), may end up without access to support or legal services. Subsequently, available data on this phenomenon can and should be leveraged to combat VAWG. This project aims to contribute to … Read More

Country Gender Equality Profile for Liberia

Aug 07 2021

The report provides a brief analysis of how the state of gender equality in Liberia remains fragile, and is a topic that requires attention, commitment, and collective endeavor. As part of increasing efforts to break away from this reality and eliminate all forms of gender-based discrimination, the Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP) represents an important guide to assess the existing situation regarding women’s empowerment and gender … Read More

Leveraging Big Data Sources to Estimate the Demographic and Economic Impacts and Implications of COVID-19 in Maldives

Dec 03 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented global impact on societies and economies across the world. In the Maldives, while the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases remains relatively low compared to many other countries and the number of deaths is under 50 as of December 14, the socio-economic toll is significant. According to the Ministry of National Planning, Housing and … Read More

Analyse de mobilité pendant la COVID-19 au Togo

Nov 03 2020

Dans la riposte contre la COVID-19, le gouvernement Togolais décida d’instaurer des mesures de restriction de mobilité pour éviter la propagation du virus. L’analyse suivante se sert de sources de données innovantes pour caractériser les changements des tendances de mobilité qui ont suivi la mise en place de ces mesures. En l’occurrence, l’analyse se concentre sur les données de mobilité … Read More

Rapid Assessment of Covid-19 Impact and Roadmap for Recovery in Liberia

Oct 03 2020

This report presents the Rapid Assessment of the Socio- economic impact of COVID-19 and the Roadmap for Recovery in Liberia. It has been produced by the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Liberia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), and Development Partners. Through this exercise, the United Nations (UN), Government and Partners have sought to … Read More

Analyse synthétique des effets principaux de la COVID au Togo

Sep 03 2020

C’est dans ce contexte, et s’appuyant sur la stratégie dedonnées du Togo lancée en 2019, que le Programme desNations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) au Togo fait recours à Data-Pop Alliance (DPA) pour aider les autorités et la société togolaises à faire face à la COVID-19. Afin d’identifier les impacts de la pandémie de COVID-19 au Togo, le PNUD, en … Read More

Socioeconomic Assessment of the Impacts and Implications of COVID-19 in South Sudan

Sep 03 2020

This paper assesses both the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic and, weaving together the forementioned triple transitions, identifies implications for the donor community, including the UN System. First it looks at macroeconomic and fiscal prospects, noting a dearth of options in the absence of sustained structural changes (Section 2); then at the effects of COVID-19 on human development … Read More

Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 in Equatorial Guinea

Dec 21 2020

This publication compiles extensive work focused on understanding the effects of COVID-19 in Equatorial Guinea and coordinating a response based on 5 pillars: i) putting health first, ii) protecting people through social protection and basic services, iii) promoting social cohesion and community resilience, iv) supporting the macroeconomic response and multilateral collaboration. All with the objective of advancing towards the Sustainable … Read More

Big Data for Good. Can Big Data Illustrate the Challenges Facing Syrian Refugees in Lebanon?

Dec 01 2020

Timely evidence for policymaking has been a consistent objective for UN organizations and member states. The classical data sources needed for official statistics have been expensive, time consuming, leading to delayed outcomes, and in certain cases impossible to access (e.g. images, videos). Today’s connected world offers alternatives and supplementary non-traditional data sources enabled by Information and Communication Technology (Geographic Information … Read More

Mundos paralelos: Big Data y desigualdad en la Ciudad de México

Jul 31 2020

“Mundos paralelos” es un proyecto desarrollado por Data-Pop Alliance y Oxfam México, cuyo propósito es analizar la desigualdad en la Ciudad de México, utilizando datos de movilidad proporcionados por el programa Data for Good de Cuebiq. Se tomó como estudio de caso la forma en cómo dos sectores socioeconómicos opuestos (los “mundos paralelos”) se apropian de los espacios que conforman la urbe y la posibilidad … Read More

Digital Technology Shaping Green and Sustainable Lifestyles: Exploring Alipay Ant Forest

Jul 04 2020

Alipay Ant Forest, launched by Ant Financial in 2016, is a green initiative embedded on Alipay’s digital lifestyle platform. This report analyzes Alipay’s Ant Forest trajectory as a green digital innovation that has achieved exponential growth over the past three years. In further models the implications that scaling a platform such as Ant Forest could catalyze in additional countries. The … Read More

Estrategia de Big Data para Colombia – Documentos de diagnóstico

Nov 12 2017

Documento 1: Estado del arte y análisis comparativo de estrategias nacionales de Big Data Document 1: State of affairs and comparative analysis of national Big Data Strategies This study provides an analysis of the main characteristics of the existing government strategies related to Big Data, while clarifying the operational concept of Big Data used throughout this project. Documento 2: Buenas prácticas sobre … Read More

Women in the gig economy: Paid work, care and flexibility in Kenya and South Africa

Nov 14 2019

This report presents findings from an in-depth study of women’s engagement in the gig economy in Kenya and South Africa, two middle-income countries at the forefront of developments in digitally mediated work in sub-Saharan Africa. It aims to understand the impact of this engagement on workers’ lives, considering the quality of work on offer and its implications for workers’ management … Read More

EmpoderaData: Data literacy assessment and Sustainable Development Goals data gaps

Oct 14 2019

EmpoderaData builds upon the success of the Q-Step paid internship programme from the University of Manchester. The project aims to promote a virtuous cycle of social transformation by fostering data literacy. The purpose of this report is threefold: (1) understand the unmet needs in terms of data literacy skills, (2) recognize to what extent might a data literacy capacity building … Read More

Big Data to Address Global Development Challenges (Paper Series)

Mar 06 2019

These 4 research papers were developed in collaboration with and funded by the Agence française de développement (AFD) between 2016 and 2019 under a joint program with Data-Pop Alliance and research partners. The aim was to strengthen the evidence-base for leveraging Big Data to address global development challenges in local contexts. Individually, the papers show specific cases and examples of how … Read More

Resident Population and Population Density in the Maldives

Jul 26 2018

This final report describes the general scope of the project as well as the proposed approach to develop and evaluate socio-economic indicators exploring Big Data sources and methodologies available in the Maldives. In particular, the aim of this document is to present the findings of the work focused on estimating resident population and population density through Mobile Phone Data. The … Read More