Estudio Regional en Big Data para el Desarrollo Sostenible en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Dec 24 2021

Es innegable que el mundo vive actualmente en una explosión de datos. Con el uso expandido de teléfonos celulares, computadoras, y otras tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), la velocidad y frecuencia con la que datos son producidos desde hace un par de décadas han incrementado exponencialmente. La información derivada de estos nuevos procesos generadores de datos es lo … Read More

Trust, Regulation, and Human-in-the-Loop AI within the European Region

May 12 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems employ learning algorithms that adapt to their users and environment, with learning either pre-trained or allowed to adapt during deployment. Because AI can optimize its behavior, a unit’s factory model behavior can diverge after release, often at the perceived expense of safety, reliability, and human controllability. Since the Industrial Revolution, trust has ultimately resided in regulatory systems … Read More

World Bank Crisis Risk Finance Analytics Strategic Review, Dissemination, and Technical Design on Big Data and Technology for Financial Resilience

Nov 01 2021

This project was a collaboration between the Global Risk Financing Facility, the Disaster Risk Financing & Insurance Program of the World Bank, the European Space Agency and Data-Pop Alliance. The following publications stem from the collaboration. Crisis Risk Finance Analytics Report The report represents a selection of projects from the Crisis Risk Finance Analytics program (CRFA), as part of the … Read More

Reporting and Registering Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls in São Paulo and Bogotá: A Data-Driven Model (English, Spanish)

Nov 19 2021

Most Gender-Based Violence (GBV) goes underreported. Women who decide not to report incidents of domestic violence, or are unable to do so (via calls, legal complaints, or seeking institutional help), may end up without access to support or legal services. Subsequently, available data on this phenomenon can and should be leveraged to combat VAWG. This project aims to contribute to … Read More

Country Gender Equality Profile for Liberia

Aug 07 2021

The report provides a brief analysis of how the state of gender equality in Liberia remains fragile, and is a topic that requires attention, commitment, and collective endeavor. As part of increasing efforts to break away from this reality and eliminate all forms of gender-based discrimination, the Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP) represents an important guide to assess the existing situation regarding women’s empowerment and gender … Read More

Overview and Outlook 2020-2022

Jun 21 2021

Last year exposed and exacerbated pre-existing fault lines that had been previously ignored or minimised by those who claimed that 2019 was “the best year in history” only weeks before the pandemic shredded this illusion. Data exposed systemic inequities and structural imbalances when it showed that COVID-19 could severely affect many—even while infecting few—in the poorest regions because of its … Read More

Analyzing the Effect of Time in Migration Measurement Using Georeferenced Digital Trace Data

Jan 14 2021

Georeferenced digital trace data offer unprecedented flexibility in migration estimation. Because of their high temporal granularity, many migration estimates can be generated from the same data set by changing the definition parameters. Yet despite the growing application of digital trace data to migration research, strategies for taking advantage of their temporal granularity remain largely underdeveloped. In this paper, we provide … Read More