DPA’s Director Delivers the Keynote Address at Milwaukee Data Day 2021

DPA Team Oct 21 2021 News

DPA’s Director Delivers the Keynote Address at Milwaukee Data Day 2021 DPA Director Emmanuel Letouzé delivered the keynote address at the virtual event Milwaukee Data Day on October 20, hosted by Data You Can Use, titled “Data as a Language, Lens and Lever for Social Change”. His address, building on the work of his 2015 white paper “Beyond Data Literacy: Reinventing … Read More

Fortaleciendo la cultura de datos y las capacidades para alcanzar los ODS en Colombia

Magdalena Arbeláez Tobón Nov 17 2020 Blog

DISCUSSION PIECE Durante la última década, el número de organizaciones que se han interesado por explorar el uso potencial de fuentes de Big Data para medir indicadores demográficos, económicos, sociales o ambientales ha crecido exponencialmente. En 2014, las Naciones Unidas reconocieron el potencial que ofrece el Big Data para mejorar las estadísticas y la información en los países en desarrollo, … Read More

EmpoderaData Report and Workshop in Manchester, UK

Julie Ricard, Valentina Casasbuenas Nov 26 2019 Blog

On October 16th, Data-Pop Alliance in partnership with the University of Manchester hosted the first EmpoderaData workshop in the United Kingdom. This project aims to promote a virtuous cycle of social transformation in the global south by fostering data literacy skills applied to addressing society’s most pressing issues through the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Over the course of … Read More

EmpoderaData Workshop: Data Literacy for the Sustainable Development Goals in Latin America

Oct 14 2019

EmpoderaData flyer

EmpoderaData, from the Spanish word empoderar for “to empower”, builds upon the success of the Q-Step program. Q-Step, for “Quantitative Step-change”, was developed as a strategic response to the shortage of quantitatively-skilled social science graduates in the United Kingdom. The University of Manchester (UoM) is one of 15 centres that took part in a £19.5 million program designed to promote … Read More