LWL #41 Populism vs. Progress: The Fight for the Future of Brazil

Ana Deborah Lana, Anna Spinardi, Anthony Deen, Berenice Fernandez Nieto, Laila Lorenzon, Núbia Rodrigues, Yara Antoniassi Oct 25 2022 Blog

LINKS WE LIKE #41 “You’ll never change anything in this country through voting. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” – Jair Bolsonaro  On October 2nd, 2022, Brazilians headed to the polls to vote for a host of candidates running for multiple roles at both the national and regional levels. The most closely watched race was that for Brazil’s next president, pitting former president … Read More

LWL #24 Fighting Misinformation with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Ariana Carballido, Ivette Yáñez Soria, Sara Ortiz Feb 02 2021 Blog

LINKS WE LIKE #24 We are currently living in the age of information and data. Whether it be through news outlets or social media, everyday we are bombarded with hundreds of images and headlines that come in the shape of articles, personal stories, memes or videos. In this busy landscape, “fake news” and misinformation have become an increasing tendency, almost … Read More