On July 29th, DPA Just Digital Transformations Director Talla Ndiaye and Resilient Livelihoods and Ecosystems Director Nigora Isamiddinova presented our project, OPAL for Humanitarian Action, at the World Food Program (WFP) Humanitarian Innovation Accelerator Pitch Event in Luxembourg.
This event, sponsored by the WFP, Luxembourg Aid and Development, and the Austrian Development Cooperation, brought together 16 organizations, each presenting a technology-driven innovation to address urgent humanitarian needs. The highly competitive process saw 379 applications from 85 countries, making it a distinctive honor for DPA to be chosen to participate. The pitch event came after the selected participants had the opportunity to attend the Humanitarian Innovation Accelerator Programme’s (HIAP) Bootcamp, where they received training on how best to present their projects to the potential funders attending the pitch event.
DPA’s project, Open Algorithms (OPAL) for Humanitarian Action, is a privacy-preserving technology and governance system which facilitates the safe and ethical transmission of sensitive data needed to address humanitarian challenges. With the direct involvement of local communities and key stakeholders, indicators relevant for use in crisis contexts are extracted and made available to the agencies or organizations working to address these issues. Learn more about OPAL and the other innovations presented at the event here.
Click the button below to watch a video of the pitch event.