Data for Refugees: The D4R Challenge on Mobility of Syrian Refugees in Turkey

The Data for Refugees (D4R) Challenge is a non-profit challenge initiated to improve the conditions of the Syrian refugees in Turkey by providing a special database to scientific community for enabling research on urgent problems concerning refugees, including health, education, unemployment, safety, and social integration. The collected database is based on anonymised mobile Call Detail Record (CDR) of phone calls and SMS messages from one million Turk Telekom customers. It indicates broad activity and mobility patterns of refugees and citizens in Turkey for one year. The project is initiated by Turk Telekom, in partnership with the Turkish Academic and Research Council (TUBITAK) and Bogazici University, and in collaboration with several academic and non-governmental organizations, including UNHCR Turkey, UNICEF, and International Organization for Migration.



Partner Organization(s)

Bogaziçi University, Data-Pop Alliance, International Organization for Migration, Türk Telekom, Turkish Academic and Research Council, UNHCR Turkey, UNICEF



Project Report

Case Study on Tracking Research Influence on Gender-Based Violence Policy in West Africa and Latin America

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global public health crisis and a serious

Project Report

Towards Substantive Equality in Artificial Intelligence: Transformative AI Policy for Gender Equality and Diversity

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) offers significant potential to improve

Project Report

Feminist Urban Design: A Gender-Inclusive Framework for Cities

The inception report “Feminist Urban Design: A Gender-Inclusive Framework for Cities,” developed


FAIR Process Framework

Work by Data-Pop Alliance on steps 1-5 has been integrated into FAIR

Event Paper

Politics vs. Policy in Disinformation Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Despite the wealth of research on disinformation, knowledge production is unevenly distributed