Our Latest Quarterly Update (Q4-2022) is Out!​

Read our most recent Quarterly Update (Q4 – 2022) to learn more about the work we have done during the past few months at Data-Pop Alliance. In it, we feature many recent news and projects, including:

  • A revamped Geographies section on our website;
  • Three new projects focused in African countries (Morocco, Burkina Faso and Senegal) supported by the following partners: UNESCO, UNDP Morocco and the French Development Agency (AFD).

In this Quarterly Update we also welcome our new team members from around the world and share links to our latest publications, including reports, discussion pieces, and more. For example:

  • “Movilidad para llegar más lejos: ¿cómo se mueven las mujeres en Lima y CDMX?” (Report available in Spanish);
  • “Using Facebook Advertising Data to Describe the Socio-Economic Situation of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon” (Journal article).

We take this opportunity to wish all of you, those who follow our work or are actively involved in it, very happy holidays and a prosperous 2023!

Click the button below to read the full newsletter.


Project Report

Mapping and Dynamics of Violence involving Youth and Children in Urban Areas in Port-au-Prince

This publication, a collaboration between Data-Pop Alliance and UNICEF, explores the dynamics

Journal Article

Reflections on the Relevance of Updated, Standardised, and Reliable Data on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence for Research and Policymaking for Eradication, Response, and Prevention in Sierra Leone

Sexual and gender–based violence (SGBV) is a multifaceted, endemic, and nefarious phenomenon

Project Report

Case Study on Tracking Research Influence on Gender-Based Violence Policy in West Africa and Latin America

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global public health crisis and a serious