Uncovering the Invisible: Maternal Mental Health and Obstetric Violence Against Indigenous Women in Brazil

Bárbara Battistotti Vieira Jul 08 2024 Blog

DISCUSSION PIECE Although I was born and raised in Mato Grosso do Sul, the Brazilian state which is home to the country’s second largest Indigenous reserve, it was only upon moving to the city of Dourados to pursue a degree in Psychology, that I fully comprehended the magnitude of the Dourados Indigenous Reserve (Reserva Indígena de Dourados, RID). Dourados Indigenous … Read More

LWL #41 Populism vs. Progress: The Fight for the Future of Brazil

Ana Deborah Lana, Anna Spinardi, Anthony Deen, Berenice Fernandez Nieto, Laila Lorenzon, Núbia Rodrigues, Yara Antoniassi Oct 25 2022 Blog

LINKS WE LIKE #41 “You’ll never change anything in this country through voting. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” – Jair Bolsonaro  On October 2nd, 2022, Brazilians headed to the polls to vote for a host of candidates running for multiple roles at both the national and regional levels. The most closely watched race was that for Brazil’s next president, pitting former president … Read More

8M: Reporte y registro de violencia doméstica en Bogotá, Ciudad de México y São Paulo

Agustina Pérez Mirianco, Ariana Carballido, Berenice Fernandez Nieto, Ivette Yáñez Soria, Sara Ortiz Mar 08 2021 Blog

DISCUSSION PIECE Sobre el Día Internacional de la Mujer (8M) Alrededor del mundo el Día Internacional de la Mujer se conmemora cada 8 de Marzo (también referido como 8M) con el objetivo de crear conciencia y alentar la reflexión crítica en torno a las diversas desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres que persisten a nivel global, así como para impulsar y … Read More

Violence Against Women in Latin America: The Multiple Facets of a Pervasive Issue

Anna Spinardi, Ivette Yáñez Soria, Nora Löhr, Sara Ortiz, Zinnya del Villar Dec 05 2020 Blog

DISCUSSION PIECE Photo: Analise Benevides. Edition: Paola Caile. November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a date that serves as a global reminder of what it is now refered to as the “shadow pandemic” (UN Women, 2020). But how to tackle a problem which is widely veiled, avoided by the spotlights, and even normalized … Read More