“Eureka Moment: Feminism, Culture and AI to Reimagine Our Futures” Workshops

Jul 15 2024

During these 2 hour sessions, we leverage the best of our experience conducting the trilingual Book and Movie Club “Technology Through Feminist Lenses” to conduct an interactive workshop titled “Eureka Moment: Feminism, Culture, and AI to Reimagine Our Futures”. The ultimate goal is to foster critical and transformative dialogue about artificial intelligence (AI) and technology through an intersectional feminist perspective … Read More

Disarming Disinformation: How Migrants Fall Victim to Disinformation

May 22 2024

To fill the information gap brought on by complex migratory processes, poor institutional communication, and lack of trust in authorities, Latin American migrant communities transiting through Mexico on their way to the USA often resort to the use of social media and instant messaging apps. While sometimes a source of helpful information, these are also polluted with disinformation and scams, … Read More

Book and Movie Club: “Technology Through Feminist Lenses”

May 07 2024

With the generous support of the Patrick J McGovern Foundation, Data-Pop Alliance and Eureka proudly launched the free Book and Movie Club titled “Technology Through Feminist Lenses.” The club conducted sessions in three languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Throughout its three months, we utilized curated content to explore technology as a lens to discuss intersectional feminist perspectives, race, class, and … Read More

Book Club: “Counting Femicide by Catherine D’Ignazio”

Apr 10 2024

This Book Club, featured the book “Counting Femicide: Data Feminism in Action” by Catherine D’Ignazio, which documents the creative, intellectual, and emotional labor of data activists across the Americas as they seek to fill the institutional gap in counting femicides and gender-related killings. The Book Club facilitated a safe space for discussion with the author herself during 8 live discussion … Read More

The Patrick J. McGovern Grant

Nov 13 2023

The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation granted $400,000 to DPA to support key projects. For the Technology and Democracy Program, this grant funded our “Infocracy Studies,” which aimed to address the implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) on the democratic process. Additionally, the grant enabled us to organize a Book and Movie Club that attracted over 700 participants worldwide. This club … Read More

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Identifying Intervention Points to Tackle Disinformation in Senegal and Burkina Faso

Apr 17 2023

DPA developed a comprehensive ecosystem approach to address the multifaceted nature of disinformation in two West African countries. Recognizing the need to examine disinformation beyond social media, our methodology considered the interconnected networks of online influencers, traditional media, and groups weaponizing (dis)information for socio-political purposes. We also investigated the underlying economic, political, and social motivations driving the weaponization of disinformation … Read More

Eureka: A Social Media Platform for Social Change

Jul 28 2022

Eureka is the first book-film club for social change. We are a non-for-profit and non-data extractive social media platform designed for users to find books and films on a particular topic, discuss it with a community and ultimately, inspire engagement and action towards social change. Our goal is to use culture content as an excuse to promote deep dialogue. Our … Read More

Data Collection and Analysis for the “World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development Global Report 2021-2022”

Jul 28 2022

DPA worked alongside UNESCO to develop an analytical methodology and data partnerships to monitor and understand the status of press freedom and media development worldwide. DPA collected and analyzed over 150 data sources to produce comprehensive, data-driven evidence on global and regional trends in media freedom, media pluralism, media independence, and safety of journalists, all examined through a gender-sensitive perspective. … Read More

Using Misinformation as a Political Weapon: COVID-19 and Bolsonaro in Brazil

Jul 28 2022

With over 30,000 confirmed cases, Brazil is currently the country most affected by COVID-19 in Latin America, and ranked 12th worldwide. Despite all evidence, a strong rhetoric undermining risks associated to COVID-19 has been endorsed at the highest levels of the Brazilian government, making President Jair Bolsonaro the leader of the “coronavirus-denial movement”. To support this strategy, different forms of … Read More