Nov. 12 in Berlin: European Stakeholders’ Dialogues on Big Data with the Vodafone Institute and Data-Pop Alliance


Join us next week in Berlin, at the digitising europe initiative 2015 where European stakeholders will dialogue on the ethics of Big Data in partnership with the Vodafone Institute and Data-Pop Alliance!

In the last decade, society has witnessed a technological revolution that has transformed the way in which we interact, work, learn, and do business. It helps us to spot socially valuable insights or unlock new forms of economic value – the Big Data revolution. This rapid technology-driven development, however, raises some important political and ethical questions: How can we make full use of data analytics in a responsible and human-centered manner? Which forms of data use should be excluded, and who should set the rules?

VI from twitter

Despite its unequivocal significance and growing presence across all sectors – from business to politics and education to civil society – the collection and use of personal data continues to lacks clear ethical, legal, and social parameters, rendering it a subject ripe for discussion and debate.

Last year, the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications was proud to introduce the digitising europe initiative – a high-quality forum for Pan-European discussion on the digital economy of Europe. The initiative launched with a high-level summit in December 2014 that German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened. Business leaders, startup founders, and policymakers participated in cross-sector dialogue on the digital transformation of education and the world of work.

This year, the Vodafone Institute is thrilled to partner with The Data-Pop Alliance and usher the initiative into its second year with a comprehensive series of research publications, workshops, events, and lively debates on a subject whose relevance in society today cannot be contested – data analytics.


Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland

Political leaders, industry experts, young innovators, and top-notch experts from across sectors will convene and contribute to a high-level dialogue on the data revolution. Topics to be addressed include:

  • Applications and Implications of The Data Revolution
  • Privacy by Default / Privacy by Design
  • Creating a Political Framework for Data Analytics
  • Corporate Codes of Conduct and User Protection

and much more…


Andrew Keen

Keynote speeches by renowned experts, Oxford-style debates between leaders in the field, and workshops designed to facilitate the development of real world, real-time solutions will all contribute to this groundbreaking series. By creating greater public and political awareness of its outcomes, the series will seek to strengthen the unique opportunities and counter the serious challenges that Big Data poses for society today.

Two of the most renowned international protagonists of the debate on digital transformation will join the “digitising europe initative 2015”: Andrew Keen and Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland.

12 November 2015
Starts at 7:00
Doors at 6:30

F.A.Z. Atrium Berlin
Mittelstraße 2-4
10117 Berlin

Registration now open.

The Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications explores the potential of mobile and digital technologies to improve political, social and economic participation and to give better access to education. The institute is a think and do tank that fosters the dialogue between science, business and politics. It initiates projects and research, and publishes reports to give practical recommendations for decision makers. Through events and social media communications the Institute provides a platform for debate.

data-pop-hhi-mit-odi-screen-bgtransparentberlin debates


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