LWL #3


Check out our weekly compilation of the links we like and want to share with you:

Peacebuilding and Violence

  • Five Ways Tech is Crowdsourcing Women's Empowerment- Zara Rahman, the engine room (@zararah)
    As more women's rights activists turn away from institutional datasets and instead rely more heavily on their own data, new opportunities arise in the fight against gender discrimination. The author describes five examples that echo the trend of technology as a means of data contribution by women's rights activism around the world.

Data Ethics and Literacy

  • EDPS Starts Work on a New Digital Ethics- European Data Protection Supervisor (@EU_EDPS)
    The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) recently has announced the launch of an Ethics Advisory Group, which will address how the EU and other nations may embrace the benefits of technological innovations while maintaining citizen rights. The group will be publishing summaries of their work periodically, which will be made public.
  • African Refugees in South Africa Are Often Unable to Access Their Rights- Roni Amit, African Centre fro Migration & Society at University of the Witwatersrand
    As part of the London School of Economic's African Perspectives on Migration, this article explains the current challenge facing refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa. Despite the fact that South Africa holds of one of the world's most progressive legislation on refugees, the rights of refugees has been restricted as refugees are blamed for the socioeconomic issues that have spread throughout the country.

Politics and Governance

  • Opening Governance- Institute of Development Studies (@IDS_UK)
    What does it mean for a government to be "open"? This January bulletin produced by the Institute of Development Studies compiles an array of literature that discusses what makes a governance open, effective, and accountable through frameworks and good practices and disucesses the challenges of and limitations to effectiveness.
  • "Don't Panic" Making Progress on the "Going Dark" Debate - The Berkman Center for Internet & Society's Berklett Cybersecurity Project
    Berklett Cybersecurity Project is a coalition of security and policy experts that analyze and address the U.S. government's responsibilities in promoting cybersecurity. The report explores the challenge of data encryption and its effect on impeding effective government surveillance and cybersecurity.
  • Statement of the Article 29 Working Party on the Consensus of The Schrems Judgement- Article 29 Working Party 
    In response to the recent introduction of the "EU-U.S. Privacy Shield," the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party (WP29) of the European Commission clarifies it plans to assess the new framework for data transfer in the coming weeks.

Event Paper

Politics vs. Policy in Disinformation Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Despite the wealth of research on disinformation, knowledge production is unevenly distributed

Annual Report

Overview and Outlook 2023-2024

The world of 2024 should be much safer, fairer, more empathetic, sustainable,

Project Report

Segundo Informe Nacional Voluntario de Guinea Ecuatorial 2024

El Segundo Informe Nacional Voluntario de Guinea Ecuatorial 2024 recoge el impacto