Big Data for Climate Change and Disaster Resilience: Realising the Benefits for Developing Countries

This report explores the opportunities, challenges and required steps for leveraging this new ecosystem of Big Data to monitor and detect hazards, mitigate their effects, and assist in relief efforts. Ultimately the goal is to build resilience so that vulnerable communities and countries as complex human ecosystems not only ‘bounce back’ but also learn to adapt to maintain equilibrium in the face of natural hazards.

An overall conclusion is that Big Data for resilience, as with nearly everything with Big Data, is still “in its intellectual and operational infancy”; most existing applications are small pilots, few formal evaluations exist, and much of the field consists of studies from the grey and white literature, case studies, and reports from NGOs, humanitarian organizations, and private companies. But based on the evidence available so far, Big Data does show real value and potential as a force for increasing social resilience, provided it is approached and promoted not merely as yet another technological fix.



Jesse Anttila-Hughes, Marion Dumas, Lindsey Jones, Gabriel Pestre, Yue Qui, Marc Levy, Emmanuel Letouzé, Simone Sala, Bessie Schwarz, Natalie Shoup, Elizabeth Tellman, Patrick Vinck

Partner Organization(s)

Data-Pop Alliance, ESRC, Evidence on Demand, NERC, United Kingdom Department for International Development (DfID)



Project Report

Case Study on Tracking Research Influence on Gender-Based Violence Policy in West Africa and Latin America

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global public health crisis and a serious

Project Report

Towards Substantive Equality in Artificial Intelligence: Transformative AI Policy for Gender Equality and Diversity

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) offers significant potential to improve

Project Report

Feminist Urban Design: A Gender-Inclusive Framework for Cities

The inception report “Feminist Urban Design: A Gender-Inclusive Framework for Cities,” developed


FAIR Process Framework

Work by Data-Pop Alliance on steps 1-5 has been integrated into FAIR

Event Paper

Politics vs. Policy in Disinformation Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Despite the wealth of research on disinformation, knowledge production is unevenly distributed