New York — On September 17 and 23, 2024, Emmanuel Letouzé, Director of Data-Pop Alliance (DPA), participated in two events during the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79). The discussions focused on the CLIMB Project and the future of AI, alongside prominent experts and key figures in science and technology. The CLIMB Project Session The first event, the CLIMB Project session, was hosted by … Read More
Digital Transformations Director Discusses AI Innovations at AI Forum in Morocco
Talla Ndiaye, Director of DPA’s Just Digital Transformations Program, recently attended the “High Level Forum on Artificial Intelligence: A Lever for Development in Africa“. This innovative and timely event, held from June 3-5, 2024 in Rabat, Morocco, was organized by Ai Movement of UM6P – University Mohammed VI Polytechnic in partnership with UNESCO. It served as a dynamic platform for … Read More
Colegas de DPA participan en evento de IA del Tec de Monterrey
On Monday, January 15, 2024, Data-Pop Alliance’s (DPA) Director Emmanuel Letouzé participated in a panel discussion titled, “AI for Humanitarian and Development Applications” at AI House Davos during the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Switzerland.
DPA Director Emmanuel Letouzé Participates in AI Panel at AI House Davos
On Monday, January 15, 2024, Data-Pop Alliance’s (DPA) Director Emmanuel Letouzé participated in a panel discussion titled, “AI for Humanitarian and Development Applications” at AI House Davos during the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Switzerland.
LWL #43 A Whole New Ballgame: AI and Big Data in Sports
LINKS WE LIKE #43 Around the world, sports teams are always on the lookout for ways to improve their game and gain a competitive edge. Traditionally, coaches and players have relied on intuition, personal experience, and gut feelings to make decisions. However, with the increasing applications of big data and artificial intelligence (AI), sports teams are now able to gain … Read More
The Return of East India Companies: AI, Africa and the New (Digital) Colonialism
DISCUSSION PIECE Image created Dall-E (Open AI technology) While Silicon Valley’s tech giants are increasing their investments in Africa, terms like “Data Colonialism,” “Digital Colonialism,” and “AI Colonialism” have been increasingly used to describe the situation at play. When it comes to digitalization in the Global South, particularly relating to AI-based technologies, several scholars, movements, and activists have begun to … Read More
LWL #40 Engineering the Future? AI Laboratories Around the World
LINKS WE LIKE #40 It seems that we are witnessing significant progress in the development of AI systems and technologies almost daily. Behind the scenes, there are many dedicated organizations, laboratories, and research centers that are working arduously towards finding solutions to pressing issues. There are the well-known big tech giants, whose labs include Microsoft AI Lab, Google AI, OpenAI, … Read More
LWL #39 The Data Police: How AI and Big Data are Reshaping Crime Prevention
LINKS WE LIKE #39 Imagine being able to detect crime hotspots in your city, use facial recognition software to match camera footage from a robbery with a database of images, or even predict the likelihood of a crime (including time and location) before it occurs. While this might sound like science fiction (Minority Report, which came out 20 years ago, … Read More
LWL #38 Algorithmic Justice: The Next Civil Rights Frontier?
LINKS WE LIKE #38 “The first duty of society is justice” – Wendell Phillips When you think of “civil rights”, many things probably come to mind. Generations-long struggles for racial or gender equality and equal protection for other disenfranchised communities are most commonly associated with the phrase. What you do not think of, most likely, are algorithms. In fact, unless … Read More
Job Automation: Deliverance or Dystopia?
This discussion piece explores the possibilities that await humankind as AI and automation advance.
LWL#35 The Future of Financial Inclusion: How New Technologies are Reshaping FinTech
LINKS WE LIKE #35 Financial inclusion, or access to formal financial services, (such as bank accounts, credit, and loans) is one of the most valuable tools for breaking cycles of poverty. Unfortunately, an estimated 1.7 billion people worldwide remain “unbanked”, or lacking access to these services; half of which live in just 7 middle-income countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, … Read More
LWL #33 Agriculture and AI: From the Root of Civilization to its Promising Future
We now find ourselves on the verge of the next “agricultural revolution”, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and agriculture coming together. In this edition of Links We Like, we explore the effects that this linkage will create.
LWL #31 Online Harassment and AI Content Moderation: Countering Threats to Freedom of Expression
LINKS WE LIKE #31 The emergence and popularity of new social networks has opened space for a multitude of virtual interactions between people from diverse backgrounds. Consequently, the internet allows anyone to become a “communicator”, with access to a wide audience to share their views. With the virtual environment becoming one of the most important centers of public debate, innovative … Read More
LWL #27 The Role of Big Data and AI in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
LINKS WE LIKE #27 One of the biggest promises of the “data age” is the creation of tools that will allow us to keep track and evaluate the performance of different projects and policies more efficiently. The main appeal of using Big data and AI for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) lies within the opportunity of having access to high-quality, timely, and accessible … Read More
LWL #26 Open Source Licenses and Accessibility for AI Models
LINKS WE LIKE #26 The rapid expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models has been accompanied by growing efforts to make these technologies accessible and available to non-experts through what is referred to as open-source licenses. As a result of this “democratization of AI” more models and training data are becoming public, a process that has given rise to its new possibilities … Read More
LWL #24 Fighting Misinformation with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
LINKS WE LIKE #24 We are currently living in the age of information and data. Whether it be through news outlets or social media, everyday we are bombarded with hundreds of images and headlines that come in the shape of articles, personal stories, memes or videos. In this busy landscape, “fake news” and misinformation have become an increasing tendency, almost … Read More
II Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Artificial Alicante 2019
Este II Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Artificial estará articulado en torno a charlas magistrales y paneles de discusión en los que intervendrán expertos en tecnología de diversos sectores empresariales y representantes de instituciones como la Comisión Europea o Naciones Unidas y diferentes universidades implicadas en esta iniciativa. Además, se dedicará un espacio a la presentación de startups de emprendedores y … Read More