DPA Program Director Talla Ndiaye Participated in the 2024 Connected Africa Summit

Anthony Deen, Ivette Yáñez Soria, Talla Ndiaye May 08 2024 News

“Country policies on data need to be aligned with regional and continental policies. It’s a joint effort – I cannot stress that enough.” Talla Ndiaye, speaking at CAS 2024 ​ Tweet Data-Pop Alliance’s (DPA) Just Digital Transformations Program Director Talla Ndiaye participated in the recently concluded Connected Africa Summit 2024 (CAS), held from April 23rd to 25th in Nairobi, Kenya. … Read More

Oportunidad de trabajo: Evaluador externo para Proyecto de Conocimiento para el Desarrollo (PCD)​

Apr 25 2023 Jobs, News

El Centro de Formación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (CFSCZ), Bolivia, con Data-Pop Alliance como Socio de Conocimiento están buscando un evaluador externo con experiencia en la evaluación de proyectos de desarrollo,  preferiblemente en el ámbito de la tecnología y el análisis de datos para evaluar el proyecto “Fortalecimiento de capacidades técnicas y estudio exploratorio regional en Big Data para el … Read More

LWL #43 A Whole New Ballgame: AI and Big Data in Sports

Santiago Ruiz, Sara Ortiz Mar 02 2023 Blog

LINKS WE LIKE #43 Around the world, sports teams are always on the lookout for ways to improve their game and gain a competitive edge. Traditionally, coaches and players have relied on intuition, personal experience, and gut feelings to make decisions. However, with the increasing applications of big data and artificial intelligence (AI), sports teams are now able to gain … Read More

LWL #39 The Data Police: How AI and Big Data are Reshaping Crime Prevention

Ana Deborah Lana, Anthony Deen, Emmanuel Letouzé, Ivette Yáñez Soria, Mariana Rozo Paz, Nelson Papi Kolliesuah, Sara Ortiz Aug 10 2022 Blog

LINKS WE LIKE #39 Imagine being able to detect crime hotspots in your city, use facial recognition software to match camera footage from a robbery with a database of images, or even predict the likelihood of a crime (including time and location) before it occurs. While this might sound like science fiction (Minority Report, which came out 20 years ago, … Read More

LWL #36 Crisis Data: New Technology and Humanitarian Emergencies

Ana Deborah Lana, Anthony Deen, Ivette Yáñez Soria, Nelson Papi Kolliesuah, Sara Ortiz, Yara Antoniassi Mar 30 2022 Blog

LINKS WE LIKE #36 Accurate data is pivotal to identifying and responding to the needs of those impacted by a variety of shocks, including violent conflicts, environmental disasters, epidemics, and other life-threatening emergencies. By gathering and processing personal, public, and geographic data, aid organizations, humanitarian workers and other relevant actors are able to not only deploy more targeted responses to … Read More

Five Members of our Data Science Team will Speak at Data Day(s) 2022​

DPA Team Mar 24 2022 News

Data Day(s) es un evento organizado por Software Guru que se ha realizado exitosamente de forma presencial desde 2015 hasta 2019, y de forma virtual desde el 2020. El evento reúne a todo tipo de participantes involucrados en el análisis, gestión y procesamiento de datos: analistas de datos, científicos de datos, y data managers. Los temas que se abordan  están … Read More

Convocatoria abierta: Beca “Taller Introducción a Big Data para el Desarrollo Sostenible 2022”

DPA Team Feb 15 2022 News

Presentación Data-Pop Alliance (DPA), con el apoyo y patrocinio de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID ) a través del Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española en Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (CFSCZ), ha creado el taller en línea “Introducción a Big Data para el Desarrollo Sostenible 2022” . Esta iniciativa se cimenta en los resultados de … Read More

DPA’s Director Delivers the Keynote Address at Milwaukee Data Day 2021

DPA Team Oct 21 2021 News

DPA’s Director Delivers the Keynote Address at Milwaukee Data Day 2021 DPA Director Emmanuel Letouzé delivered the keynote address at the virtual event Milwaukee Data Day on October 20, hosted by Data You Can Use, titled “Data as a Language, Lens and Lever for Social Change”. His address, building on the work of his 2015 white paper “Beyond Data Literacy: Reinventing … Read More

Un nuevo contrato social para la era del Big Data

Mario Cajiao Jun 16 2021 Blog

DISCUSSION PIECE (SPANISH) En la era del Internet y de los datos, las sociedades han modificado a tal grado sus formas de interacción, intercambio de información, generación de valor, entre otros tantos aspectos, que se requiere un nuevo “contrato social” para asegurar la prevalencia de la democracia y sus instituciones. Este artículo discute cómo hemos llegado colectivamente a este punto, … Read More

LWL #27 The Role of Big Data and AI in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

Ivette Yáñez Soria, Mariana Rozo Paz, Mariem Omrani, Sara Ortiz May 05 2021 Blog

LINKS WE LIKE #27 One of the biggest promises of the “data age” is the creation of tools that will allow us to keep track and evaluate the performance of different projects and policies more efficiently. The main appeal of using Big data and AI for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) lies within the opportunity of having access to high-quality, timely, and accessible … Read More

LWL #21 Elections, Democracy and Big Data

Sara Ortiz Nov 01 2020 Blog

LINKS WE LIKE #21 With the upcoming presidential election in the U.S., media outlets such as ABC News and The Economist, and even scholars like Alan L. Abramowitz, have searched for creative and insightful ways to use big data and data analysis as a way of better understanding the electorate and forecasting the results. In particular, different organizations are seeking … Read More

Conference “Measuring Development 2020 (VI): Data Integration and Data Fusion”

Feb 20 2020

On Tuesday, March 31st, 2020, CEGA will partner with the World Bank’s ​Development Impact Evaluation​ (DIME)​ group and Innovations in Big Data Analytics​ to hold the 6th annual “Measuring Development” Conference in Washington, D.C. The event will showcase the myriad ways in which survey data and “big” data can be integrated to improve the design, targeting, and evaluation of global … Read More

Data-Pop Alliance’s Intervention at the Third Annual Convention of the Platform for Big Data in Agriculture

Simone Sala Jan 08 2020 Blog

Simone Sala, second from the right, with the fellow panelists Dharani Dhar Burra, Derval Usher, and Fred Pivetta (Photo: ThoughtFolks Media) On October 16-18 in Hyderabad, India, Data-Pop Alliance participated in the third annual Convention of the Platform for Big Data in Agriculture. The event represents the largest global gathering of the scientific community dedicated to the application of Big … Read More

Taller “Big data, desarrollo sostenible y cambio climático” en Bogotá

Nov 19 2019

Se abordarán términos claves, herramientas necesarias y desafíos en el panorama de Big Data y desarrollo sostenible, centrándose en la aplicabilidad de estas fuentes de información en proyectos relacionados con la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático. Este taller presencial proporciona una introducción a las “3 C de Big Data” en el contexto del desarrollo sostenible como base para el … Read More

Introducing the Complete Paper Series: “Big Data to Address Global Development Challenges”

Emmanuel Letouzé Oct 30 2019 Blog

These 4 research papers were developed in collaboration with and funded by the Agence française de développement (AFD) between 2016 and 2019 under a joint research programme with Data-Pop Alliance and research partners titled “Strengthening the evidence-base for leveraging Big Data to address global development challenges”. The starting point was the realization, in 2016, that ‘we’ still had little hard academic evidence … Read More

DPA Opens its Latin American Office in Mexico City

DPA Team Oct 14 2019 News

Ciudad de México

We are excited to announce the opening of our Latin American Office based in Mexico City. Since its first steps, DPA has maintained and expanded its in-country presence in the region. Currently, we have team-cells in Colombia, Brazil, and Chile, in addition to Mexico City. By opening a dedicated Latin America office, we aim to consolidate our presence in the … Read More

Partnership Announcement: Data-Pop Alliance and CIAT

Maria Antonia Bravo, Valentina Casasbuenas Aug 13 2019 News

Partnership Announcement: Data-Pop Alliance and CIAT The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, led by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the  world’s leading research consortium in agri-food systems, nutrition security, and the reduction of poverty, has partnered with Data-Pop Alliance to explore  how e-learning and Big Data can be leveraged for digital agriculture and climate change. Through … Read More